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Setting up the S-pushTAN-App for the first or a repeat time

Setting up pushTAN · Instructions

Setting up the S-pushTAN-App for the first or a repeat time

Setting up pushTAN · Instructions

The S-pushTAN-App allows you to easily and securely authorise online banking transactions. This guide explains how to set up the S-pushTAN-App for the first time or set it up again and what you’ll need to do so.

You need

To do so, you will need:


QR code for downloading the S-pushTAN-App


Before starting, download the latest version of the app, which is free, from the Apple or Google Play Store.

Letter with initial access data

Online banking login details

The S-pushTAN-App is designed for authorising online banking transactions. This is why, when setting up the app, you will need your Sparkasse online banking login details. They are:

  • User name or login ID
  • Initial PIN (first time use) or the online banking PIN you created

When setting the app up for the first time:

Sparkasse registration letter

pushTAN registration letter

When setting up the S-pushTAN-App for the first time, your Sparkasse will send you a registration letter with a QR code. You will need this code when setting up the app for the first time.

When setting up the app a repeat time:

Back of Sparkassen-Card (debit card)

Sparkassen-Card (debit card) – card number

At some stage during this process, you will be asked to enter your Sparkassen-Card (debit card) number. This number can be found on the rear of your card.

Guide for setting up the S-pushTAN-App without online banking:

Activation password and credit card number

Activation password and credit card number

Do you only use the S-pushTAN-App to authorize online card payments? If so, you can also set up the S-pushTAN-App with your activation password and your 16-digit card number. The activation password is in the letter sent to you with the initial registration letter for the S-pushTAN-App. The 16-digit card number is on the front of your card.

How to

How to:

Setting up pushTAN for the first time with registration letter

The following guide contains step-by-step instructions for setting up the S-pushTAN-App with the registration letter. The letter will be sent to you by your Sparkasse.

Note: These instructions are an example only and may slightly differ depending on your mobile end device or bank.

Set up S-pushTAN-App again – after reinstallation

If you have a new iPhone/iPad or Android device, you can use Quick Setup ("Schnelleinrichtung") to quickly and securely set up your S-pushTAN-App on your new device again. To do so, simply install the S-pushTAN-App on your new smartphone/tablet and then follow the instructions under “New smartphone? Setting up the Sparkassen-App on a new device”. The S-pushTAN-App on your old device still needs to be working in order to be able to use Quick Setup on the new device.

If the S-pushTAN-App on your old device is no longer working or if you have forgotten your login details for the app, please following the following step-by-step instructions.

Important – before following these instructions

Please make sure to reset the S-pushTAN-App before you start.

Note: These instructions are an example only and may slightly differ depending on your mobile end device or bank.

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